Treatise on Cosmic Fire

Dream interpretation by M. Krapek

Bird-Jaguar’s Son borne from the serpent. ©June 30, 2008, Lintel 13.  24”X30”

Prismacolor on Strathmore Vellum Bristol #300,

(Below: L: *Echoes, drawing Lintel 17, 20”X20” ©2011.   R: **B/W Acrylic painting Lintel 13, ©2007.)

1,500 year old Limestone Lintels from Yaxchilan, Mexico.

Three forms of Fire***:

Fire by Heat,

Fire by Friction,

Electric or Cosmic Fire;

The Light of Life.

The Vision Serpent as a representation of Cosmic Fire is forming an Infinity Ring.  This image is representative of a primal expression of the power of the Life Force.  There are those who suggest no such thing as perpetual motion.  In reply to this boxed view I give an answer: Life is perpetual motion. Not one individual’s life, but the Force of Life itself, procreation ever evolving and expanding, adapting to changes thru cellular holographic resonance.  Becoming as light beams of perfection within the Morphogenic Field.

The scene of Bird -Jaguar and Balam Ix conjuring their unborn Son is evidence of a thorough understanding of the nature of Time within the Morphogenic Field.  Through the use of Power Plants, the view into the Nagual Portal enabled witness to events outside of Time.  In order to accomplish this feat of Enchantment, a couple was required to let a bit of ritual blood into the Sacred Peyote Censor.  Ritual bloodletting for ancestral visions originated at the pierced tongue for oration, but for descendant vision the ritual required blood from the genitalia of both the Father and Mother.  (Its all in our D.N.A.)  This striking difference did not dismay the participants however, but only lends credulity to the honor of such a practice.  These people were quite beyond us in their understanding of the Universe, and their Love of Life led them on thru the nine levels of consciousness, into life “past immortal.”

Their command was the ultimate: perpetual motion torsion energy, or

Cosmic Fire! 


**Maya Cosmos,  by Schele and Parker. p. 219.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire,  by Alice Bailey.

“Treatise on Cosmic Fire” by Todd Rundgren, Initiation.

*The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls, by Morton and Thomas.

“Echoes”  by Pink Floyd, Meddle.

“Echoes”, ©2011, Lintel 17.                                             B/W painting, Lintel 13.

Bird Jaguar lll glyph.

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