Colored pencil
Strathmore paper
© 2006 M. Krapek
Kachina Peaks, Arizona.
The San Francisco Peaks are
located above Flagstaff, hailed as the
home of the Kachina Guides of the Hopi.
The Sun Shalako is seen peering thru the
frozen mist overlooking a crystalline cascade
of snowflakes tumbling from the picture. The
snowflakes are characterizations of Mandalas,
hundreds of them, each a dream on its own.
Here is an image which presents a solution for
us all. Zero point energy is the principle of
energy transfer which exists in nature. Also
called cold fusion, the key to life is the
conversion of water energy by the biofuel cell,
D. N. A. Zero waste, zero pollution, even trade.
H2O is the fuel of the universe. The Sun runs
on it. We run on it. Shalako knows our
hearts will eventually open so we
can share in the bounty that has
always been here!