In Another Life


Images One and Two

©2013 M.Krapek

Image One:  “In Another Life.”  Temple 23, Lintel 24, Yaxchilan, Mexico.  Here we see Lady Xoc pulling a barbed rope through her tongue in preparation for the Vision Serpent Ceremony to converse with her unborn son (See “Treatise on Cosmic Fire”).   Her consort Shield Jaguar is holding a ceremonial torch, while the incensario bowl charges to life, celebrating Bird-Jaguar’s birth, Oct. 8, 709.

Image Two:  “In Another Life 2.”  Temple 23, Lintel 26, Yaxchilan, Mexico. The Jaguar Skull Ceremony, with Shield Jaguar and Lady Xoc.  The Mayans infused consciousness into talisman such as crystal skulls and jade amulets.  In this case, the consciousness of the jaguar is shared with the wearer of the dressed skull/ helmet through the psychotropic interface of the botanical Sacred Peyote.  Even in death, the energy of any life form transmits it’s central aura to the surrounding field, giving threads of light to anyone able to receive them...  In this presentation, Shield Jaguar is preparing for conflict resolution, armed with the consciousness of the predator, the top of the food chain in the jungle, as his ally in providing a final solution to the problem.


“A Forest of Kings” Linda Schele and David Freidel, page 267.

“In Another Life” by Todd Rundgren and Utopia, “In another live” album.

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